
LiveConfig contains an integrated SQLite database for storing its own data, thus it doesn’t need an external database. Even several hundred users with some few thousand domains can usually be managed with SQLite.

However, if you manage a large number of subscriptions or experience long delays on the LiveConfig web interface, we recommend you to use MySQL as backend database.


If you already have a running LiveConfig installation, please check this knowledge base article on moving an existing SQLite database to MySQL.

Follow these steps to use MySQL with a new (empty) LiveConfig installation:

  1. Log on to the MySQL console as root user and create a new database for LiveConfig. You can use any name for it:

    mysql> create database LIVECONFIG;
  2. Create a new database user with an arbitrary and safe (!) password:

    mysql> grant all on LIVECONFIG.* to "liveconfig"@"localhost"
           identified by "SaFePaSsWoRd";

    If LiveConfig is running on another server than MySQL, just use the corresponding IP address instead of localhost.

  3. Import the table dump for LiveConfig. It’s available as compressed SQL dump file at /usr/share/doc/liveconfig/:

    #> zcat /usr/share/doc/liveconfig/db-mysql.sql.gz | mysql -u liveconfig -p -h localhost LIVECONFIG
  4. Open the configuration file /etc/liveconfig/liveconfig.conf and edit the database settings, e.g.:

    db_driver   = mysql
    db_host     = localhost
    db_name     = LIVECONFIG
    db_user     = liveconfig
    db_password = SaFePaSsWoRd
  5. Restart LiveConfig (service liveconfig restart) - and everything should work.

    If LiveConfig won’t start, have a look at the log file (/var/log/liveconfig/liveconfig.log).

Last updated on Jun 29, 2020.
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