License Activation

A LiveConfig client needs a valid license to connect to a LiveConfig server. The license file is digitally signed - so the LiveConfig server can check that it’s not a “malicious” client.

To activate your license, simply run the LiveConfig client with the --activate option. If a license file already exists, an appropriate error message is displayed. Otherwise you’ll be prompted for the license activation code.


To activate the license, LiveConfig sends an encrypted request to the license server ( Only the license code you entered and your (external) IP address are transmitted - nothing more.

#> /usr/sbin/lcclient --activate
 _    _          ___           __ _     (R)  ___ _ _         _
| |  (_)_ _____ / __|___ _ _  / _(_)__ _    / __| (_)___ _ _| |_
| |__| \ V / -_) (__/ _ \ ' \|  _| / _` |  | (__| | / -_) ' \  _|
|____|_|\_/\___|\___\___/_||_|_| |_\__, |   \___|_|_\___|_||_\__|_____________
Welcome to the LiveConfig license activation.
License key file: '/etc/liveconfig/lcclient.key'
Please enter your license key: #####-#####-#####
Generating license activation request, please wait... ok.
Connecting to ([]:443)... ok.
Sending license activation request... ok.
=> License successfully activated.

If the license activation was successful, the license key received from the license server is saved (see configuration setting license_file). Otherwise, the corresponding error message is displayed.

If the LiveConfig client is already running at the time of activation, please restart it so that the new license data can be read: service lcclient restart.

The license key is usually valid for one month, LiveConfig automatically renews it.

For automated license activation, the license key can also be passed in an environment variable called LCLICENSEKEY when running LiveConfig client with the argument --activate - in this case there is no interactive query.

Replacing the license

If you want to replace a license code - for example if you have previously used a test license and now have your own license code - proceed as follows:

  1. delete the old license file (usually /etc/liveconfig/liveconfig.key)

  2. activate the new license code (see above: lcclient --activate)

  3. restart LiveConfig to read in the new license code (e.g. service lcclient restart)

Last updated on Jun 29, 2020.
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