Web Server Management

At Servers -> Server Management -> Web you can enable management of web server software. LiveConfig supports Apache httpd and NGINX. You will see a box for each supported web server, and below a button to enable management.


If you only see the message “No supported services found.”, check whether Apache and/or NGINX are installed (e.g. by running liveconfig --diag) and restart LiveConfig.

We recommend to install at least the following packages for web servers:

  • Debian/Ubuntu:
    • Apache: apache2 apache2-suexec-pristine libapache2-mod-fcgid

    • NGINX: nginx-full

    • as well as php-cgi php-cli php-curl php-gd php-imagick php-mysql

  • CentOS:
    • Apache: httpd

    • NGINX: nginx

    • as well as php-cli php-fpm php-gd php-mysql

To manage a service with LiveConfig, just click the Manage with LiveConfig button and confirm the dialog.

After enabling a service, you have to select the IP addresses for it. If your server has multiple IPs, you can run Apache and NGINX at the same time (on different IPs of course). Apache httpd can additionally be configured to also listen at localhost when using NGINX as reverse proxy for Apache.

Once you have selected one or more IPs for a web server, a corresponding IP group is automatically created. You can manage it in the box IP addresses. With IP groups it’s possible to e.g. create an IP group containing only an IPv4 address and another group with both IPv4 and IPv6 (dual-stack). Or you can create an IP group with http2 enabled and one without. Hosting customers can switch the IP group per subdomain.

Apache httpd

If you manage Apache httpd with LiveConfig, you’ll see a list of important Apache modules and whether they’re enabled.

If these modules are not enabled, run the following commands:

  • On Debian/Ubuntu:

    a2enmod actions http2 include proxy_fcgi proxy_http rewrite ssl suexec
    systemctl restart apache2
    systemctl restart liveconfig

Last updated on Aug 25, 2020.
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