Application Installer

If the “Applications” feature is activated in the webspace contract properties, users can easily install a selection of web applications via LiveConfig.

The installation scripts for the standard applications are currently maintained by the LiveConfig team. Technically, however, a lot has changed since the first version of the app installer (nearly ten years ago) - some applications can only be installed via Composer calls, others require individual registration by email before downloading, etc.

In Q4/2020, the AppInstaller should therefore be fundamentally revised. Until then, all the apps on offer will still regularily be updated in the latest, automatically installable version. In particular, the most popular applications - WordPress, phpMyAdmin and RoundCube - can still be installed in the latest version without restrictions.

If you want to hide individual applications for installation, edit the table APPREPO in the LiveConfig database - set the column AR_DISABLED to 1 for the applications that shouldn’t be displayed any more. Existing instances of the respective application remain available.

-- Example: hide all applications except WordPress, phpMyAdmin and RoundCube:
UPDATE APPREPO SET AR_DISABLED=1 WHERE AR_NAME NOT IN ('WordPress', 'phpMyAdmin', 'Roundcube');

You can find more information about the AppInstaller at the AppInstaller Github page.

Last updated on Jul 15, 2020.
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